Founder's Desk

It gives me immense pleasure to interact and connect with people who people are committed for growing and developing the graph of their lives. about a decade ago to transcend international boundaries was a dream, success was a destony, education wass diffucult and explosure was out of reach but today everything getsc available in a silver plate, just a platform is required a platform that trains and given you wings to fly and conquer the dreams during them into reality.
Here we in Atmiya Academy give you that platform. We are committed to serve the best education and being the mentor for those who actually wills to become the leaders, we help open many channel, paths, avenue and provide opportunities and make each individuals well equipped and makes them to befit fight and win the race of competition with first place. Let me also introduce to our three pillars upon which Genext languages belivees and works.

Vijay Patel ( Founder)


Being into education institute, we are committed to serve education in its best form, and present within the most effective way that it Ists for a lifetime.


Certain industries are those upon which the people have blind faith. Education is one of them, thus we know how much trust is kept on us for the base of your future and we ensure it for being in safe hands. and we are committed to for the same.


The most powerful value of us, we are committed to deliver and enlighten the fire, the spark, the spirit and the self motivating phoenix in each and every student of genext languages.


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aTMIYA courses

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